Gulf Whitmore Decathlon HTC 930

• OXIDATION RESISTANCE – low formation of carbon,
varnish, and other residues. No abrasive deposits
are formed when used within the recommended
temperature range (see below) and in the
appropriate amount
• ANTIWEAR – chain wear is controlled by excellent
fluid film and antiwear properties of a temperature-
stable additive chemistry



Decathlon® HTC oils have proven again and again that they can meet and exceed the
performance requirements of the most demanding high temperature applications. In the
area of high temperature lubrication, Decathlon HTC oils have given that “edge” in
comparison to both well-known and exotic brands of synthetic oil.
Decathlon® HTC oils are recommended when deposits such as carbon and varnish are not
tolerable. The thin film evaporation characteristics of HTC oils are excellent. However, an even
more crucial issue is residue. Carbon deposits and varnish lead to high amperage draw and
wear. Decathlon HTC oils will not contribute to these deposits when the amount applied is
HTC oils are a blend of complex synthetic base fluids and a revolutionary combination of
synergistic ashless additives


• Recommended for use up to 450°F (230°C) and
intermittent service up to 550°F (285°C)
• Designed for the lubrication of chains and bearings
where protection from wear at high temperatures is
needed. An excellent example is the manufacture of
latex and synthetic gloves
• Highly suitable for use in glass bottle forming
operations for lubrication of the glass machine itself,
also conveyor chains, and gearboxes operating at both
normal and high temperatures
• For manufacturing light bulbs, tenter frame chains and
continuous fiberboard presses